DOI assignment will follow the cmo_mods numbers that have been assigned to the CMO edition pages for the published transcription, commentary, text edition, as well as the individual pieces contained in editions. This method of assigning DOI numbers is intended to reduce the semantic information contained in the DOI, while still providing an accurate and unambiguous DOI that refers directly to the URL landing page where each edition publication, along with all of its associated metadata, is located.
The formula for assigning DOI numbers includes the prefix assigned for CMO publications, 10.60670, followed by the suffix that contains a semantic CMO identifier and the five-digit cmo_mods number of the dataset created for each publication within the CMO edition series. As an example we can consider the following DOI: 10.60670/CMO.00891
In this example, the DOI suffix CMO.00891 refers directly to the digital asset, cmo_mods_00000891, which is the dataset and landing page for the CMO edition CMO1-I/12, which is the full transcription and commentary prepared by Marco Dimitriou of the Hampartsum manuscript NE215 held at the Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi of Istanbul University.
Although there is no semantic reference to the CMO identifier, original manuscript, publication date, or author contained within the assigned DOI, there is also no ambiguity because the DOI suffix refers directly to the cmo_mods dataset which contains all of the above-mentioned metadata within it, and is also the landing page for the PDF publication to which the associated metadata refers.
Because the cmo_mods number also points directly to the URL page where the digital publication and its dataset are contained, a quick look at any DOI reference for any CMO publications can quickly direct users to their digital location. For example, all of the URLs for CMO publications follow the same address formula based on their cmo_mods number, for example:
In this way, any reference to a DOI, such as 10.60670/CMO.00891, can quickly point researchers and readers to the exact URL location of the referenced publication based on the cmo_mods number included in the DOI suffix. Similarly, any of the cmo_mods numbers or URL addresses associated with CMO publication can also point users directly to the registered DOI entry based on the formula that is used by
The addition of a DOI Assignment button onto the relevant cmo_mods pages should be limited to the webpages associated with CMO publications. Because the cmo_mods entity is used for a wide variety of datasets, including bibliographic references and other types of research sources, the DOI should not be added to all of the cmo_mods pages.
Datasets to be assigned DOI numbers for the time being are only the ones where edition files are uploaded (as opposed to the datasets of series and subseries, where only metadata are entered and no files are uploaded), i.e.:
Datasets of single- and multi-volume editions (e.g. CMO1-I/11 and CMO1-I/14). Note that the datasets including transcriptions/critical reports/text editions altogether, such as CMO1-I/11.0 are not assigned DOI numbers, as these function as containers for the editions of individual pieces, where only metadata are entered and no files are uploaded.
Datasets of text and music editions of individual pieces (e.g. CMO1-I/14a.1m, CMO1-I/02.049m, and CMO1-I/02.049t). Note that the main datasets of individual pieces, such as CMO1-I/02.049 are not assigned DOI numbers, as these include only metadata, and no files are uploaded to these datasets.
Currently, DOI registration fails if the publication date is given as a range. The workaround in such cases for the time being is to give a single date before the DOI assignment, and correct the date as range after the registration is completed.