Works are conceptualized to combine all variants of an individual piece (i.e. 'concordances') in one entity, and are identified by a 'work number'. Work numbers are assigned by music and/or data editors. On this page, you will find information on where and in which format/structure work numbers are documented, how are they to be created and processed.
Work numbers for individual mss are entered in the relevant manuscript indices (excel sheets) to be found on the CMO net drive. Indices of mss that are not yet (or not planned to be) edited might be lacing this information. But all indices of mss that are (or to be) edited should include the work numbers in the final stage.
Concordances are listed in a separate excel sheet, also to be found on the net drive (under xxxx). The list of concordances is a work in progress. It includes work numbers, not only of mss but also of printed sources, as well as basic metadata (makâm, usûl, genre). Currently, there is an extensive list of instrumental pieces. A list of vocal pieces will follow.
All work numbers assigned to date are listed in two separate tables linked below, for instrumental and vocal pieces respectively. The work numbers are listed in a descending order, so that the topmost cell shows the latest assigned number. The tables include a row for 'main source', that is, the first variant of the relevant piece that was assigned the specific work number. An extra row for the notes enable the editors who assign particular work numbers to let others know about any important detail regarding the work in progress (e.g. if the work numbers are ready to be entered to the catalogue, if there are still revisions pending, etc.). A 'Status Indicator' above each table is intended to show whether there is any work in progress at any given time, in order to avoid simultaneous assignment of work numbers that might lead to overlappings. When the green cell of the indicator ('N/A') is checked, it indicates that you are free to assign new work numbers starting from the number following the latest given number in the relevant table. If the red cell is checked, it means that there is currently someone assigning work numbers, and you should get in touch with them before you start assigning work numbers yourself to avoid double-assignments.
Structure of the Work Numbers
Work numbers consists of a prefix indicating whether the work is instrumental or vocal, 'CMOi' and 'CMOv' respectively, and a four digit number (starting with zero(s) if necessary to complete the number of digits).
The numbers have no semantic meaning and they give no information on the musical content of the work. They are thus simply assigned in ascending order, whenever a new 'work' is identified.
Coordination with other editors
Check the status indicator above the relevant list below (vocal/instrumental) to make sure that there is no current work in progress.
If another editor is assigning work numbers at the same time, get in touch with them to coordinate the workflow to prevent overlapping assignments.
Before assisgning any new numbers, change the status indicator above the relevant table, to show that there is work in progress:
Open the edit mode.
Uncheck the green cell ('N/A').
Check the red cell below; add your name and the source(s) your are working on.
Save the changes before you start entering work numbers (for other team members to be able to see that there is currently work in progress).
Assigning and documenting the work numbers
Open the page of the relevant list and enter the work numbers you assigned into the table:
Open the edit mode.
Create a new row above the last given work number for each new one.
Enter the work number in the left column.
Enter the source and the page number in the right column following the current structure(s).
Add your remarks in the 'Notes' section (e.g. 'Pagination is in revision', 'Index not yet catalogued', etc.). These remarks help especially to decide on which work numbers are to be catalogued next.
Organizing the follow-up process
When you are done with assigning work numbers, change back the situation indicator (check the green cell, uncheck the red cell, remove the information you entered, restore the original text as 'by [editors' names] on [sources' names]').
@Music editors: If the newly assigned work numbers are ready to be catalogued, inform the responsible catalogue editors.
[to be added]