This page documents all elements, attributes and values that are specifically designed for the CMO customization.
Element |
Custom |
Attribute |
Custom |
Mandatory? |
Value |
List Type |
Custom |
Definition (for use in validation) |
tei:title |
no |
@type |
no |
no |
desc titleTranscription main alt sub |
closed |
X X X X |
Title header section with the descriptive parameters of an individual piece. Title of the musical piece the lyrics belong to in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. Main title of a source as noted in the CMO source catalogue. Main alternative title of a source as noted in the CMO source catalogue. Subtitle of a source as noted in the CMO source catalogue. |
tei:note |
no |
@type |
no |
no |
makamTranscription makamStandardized usulTranscription usulStandardized genreTranscription poeticForm poeticGenre bahir meter publicationInformation persons-institutions other date |
closed |
X X X X X X X X X X X X |
Type of the makam in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. Type of the makâm in standardized modern spelling. Type of the usul in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. Type of the usul in standardized modern spelling. Type of the musical genre in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. Type of the poetic form. Type of the poetic genre. Type of the bahir. A fixed type of meter pattern consisting of 2-5 feet. Information on a publication as noted in the CMO source catalogue. Information on persons or institutions as noted in the CMO source catalogue. Information on any other observation as noted in the CMO source catalogue. Information on the dating of a source as noted in the CMO source catalogue. |
tei:supplied |
no |
@reason |
no |
yes |
provided-by-editor |
closed |
X |
Indicates additional information on a piece of text inferred from other analyses, conducted by an editor. |
tei:supplied |
no |
@cert |
no |
yes |
00.50.751 |
closed |
No attribution to a piece of specific information is given or can be made. The attribution is made by the editor on implicit evidence with more than one possible choice. The attribution is made by the editor on implicit evidence for a piece of specific information. The information is either clearly named in the text or is identifiable without a doubt. |
tei:supplied |
@resp |
no |
yes |
open |
See tei:name[@xml:id] set in tei:seriesStmt. |
tei:idno |
@type |
no |
yes |
semi-open |
X X X X |
Identifies a piece of information following the definitions or structure of CMO. Identifies a piece of information following the definitions or structure of RISM. Identifies a piece of information following the standards of the GND. Identifies a piece of information following the standards of ORCID. |
tei:author |
no |
@role |
no |
no |
lyricist composer |
closed |
X X |
Name of the person to whom the lyrics are attributed. Name of the person to whom the music is attributed. |
tei:author |
no |
@cert |
no |
no |
0 0.5 0.75 1 |
closed |
No attribution to a piece of specific information is given or can be made. The attribution is made by the editor on implicit evidence with more than one possible choice. The attribution is made by the editor on implicit evidence for a piece of specific information. The information is clearly named in the text and is identifiable without a doubt. |
tei:author |
no |
@resp |
no |
no |
open |
See tei:name[@xml:id] set in tei:seriesStmt. |
tei:editor |
no |
@role |
no |
no |
author contributor proofreader compiler |
open |
X X X X |
The author responsible for the edition. Any other person responsible for the scientific contents of the edition. Any individual that proofread the edition. An individual that compiled an original song text collection. |
tei:date |
no |
@calendar |
no |
yes |
hijri rumi gregorian |
closed |
X X X |
The date provided is in the Arabic Hijri lunar calendar. The date provided is in the Ottoman Rumi solar calendar. The date provided is in the Gregorian solar calendar. |
Element |
Custom |
Attribute |
Custom |
Mandatory? |
Value |
List Type |
Custom |
Definition (for use in validation) |
tei:div |
@type |
no |
yes |
pieceNewStart blockLyricsTranscription blockLyricsReconstructed |
closed |
X X X |
Text area collating the page number and piece number, usually written at the top of a page / beginning of a piece. Text area containing the block lyrics in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. Text area containing Latin transcription from an original, but different Ottoman Turkish source in Arabic letters. |
tei:milestone |
@unit |
no |
yes |
cite |
closed |
Reference to the printed text edition in PDF format. |
tei:milestone |
@source |
no |
yes |
#cmo_mods_######## |
open |
X |
The 8-digit code refers to the unique identifier that links to the page with the original PDF text edition of the piece. |
tei:msItem |
@n |
no |
yes |
open |
The identifier of the manuscript part containing the block lyrics according to the piece number. |
tei:locus |
@from@to |
no |
yes |
open |
The identifier on which page the block lyrics appear according to the page number in the manuscript. |
tei:rubric |
@type |
no |
yes |
pieceNumber titeTranscription makamTranscription |
closed |
X X X |
Indicates the notation of the piece number in incrementing counting. Title of the musical piece the lyrics belong to in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. Type of the makam in academic transcription from the script originally used in the source. |
tei:rubric |
@subtype |
no |
yes |
red-pencil red-ink black-ink |
closed |
X X X |
Indicates the notation of a piece-related information (e.g. piece number, makâm, etc.) with a red pencil in the manuscript. Indicates the notation of a piece-related information (e.g. piece number, makâm, etc.) with a red(dish) ink in the manuscript. Indicates the notation of a piece-related information (e.g. piece number, makâm, etc.) with a black(ish) ink in the manuscript. |
tei:term |
@type |
no |
no |
genre usul |
closed |
X X |
Defines a word/words in the headline as the genre. Defines a word/words in the headline as the usul. |
tei:lg |
@decls |
yes |
closed |
X |
Reference to the tei:metSym[@xml:id] of a specific sub-meter unter tei:metDecl[@xml:id="vezin"] |
tei:lg |
@rhyme |
no |
yes |
open |
Indication of the rhyme structure of hemistiches in small letters, separated by hyphens, e.g. "a-a-b-a". |
tei:seg |
@type |
no |
yes |
vocal instruction information |
closed |
X X X |
Text for any act of creating musical sounds with the voice. Text that provides information on how to execute the vocal performance. Text that provides additional information by the editor. |
tei:seg |
@ana |
no |
yes |
mainPartLyrics |
closed |
X |
Text for the main lyrics that consist of a proper sentence following the syntax of the underlying language in the form of a distich. Only with @type "vocal". Text for other intermittent or stand-alone lyrics, either isolated words or syllables that make up no syntactic structure; or indication of performance instructions. With either @type "vocal" or "instruction". |
tei:stage |
@type |
no |
yes |
stop repetition pointer music |
X X X X |
Instruction to terminate a vocal performance. With @ana "temme". Instruction to repeat a vocal performance. With @ana "ilaAhirihi", "mükerrer", "eyzan", "terennümKelevvel". Any non-verbal text highlighting the internal structure of the text to be performed. With @ana "eyzan", "miyanHane", "bendiSani", "bendiSalis", "haneiSani". Non-verbal text not in relation to vocal performance but in reference to music. With @ana "usul" |
tei:stage |
@ana |
no |
yes |
temme ilaAhirihi mükerrer eyzan terennümKelevvel bendiSani bendiSalis haneiSani miyanHane usul |
closed |
X X X X X X X X X X |
Termination of a vocal performance. Text fragment that replicates a part of a hemistich written out in full earlier in the text to repeat its performance in full again, indicated by either "ilā-āḫirihi" or its abbreviated form "ilaḫ". Repetition of the performance of a preceding text part or line. Pointing out the following text to be performed next. Repetition of the preceding entire terennüm. Indication of the second distich (2nd couplet) in a poem. Indication of the third distich (3rd couplet) in a poem. Indication of the second distich in a poem. Indicates the third hemistich in a poem that may involve different music, indicated by either "miyānḫāne" or abbreviated as "miyān". Indication of a specific usul within the text for vocal performance. |
tei:note |
@type |
no |
no |
lyricist |
closed |
X |
Name of the lyricist of the text, assured or reconstructed, according to the information in the header section. |
tei:supplied |
@reason |
no |
yes |
derived-from-lyrics omitted-in-original provided-by-editor reconstruced-from-source |
closed |
X X X X |
Indicates the incipit as derived from the first line of the main part lyrics of a piece added by an editor. Indicates one or more letters absent in the primary source, reconstructed by an editor. Indicates additional information on a piece of text inferred from other analyses, conducted by an editor. Indicates the text of lyrics and instructions taken from a source different to the one the piece is located in, conducted by an editor. |
tei:supplied |
@cert |
no |
yes |
0 0.5 0.75 1 |
closed |
No attribution to a piece of specific information is given or can be made. The attribution is made by the editor on implicit evidence with more than one possible choice. The attribution is made by the editor on implicit evidence for a piece of specific information. The information is clearly named in the text and is identifiable without a doubt. |
tei:supplied |
@resp |
yes |
open |
See tei:name[@xml:id] set in tei:seriesStmt. |
Element |
Custom |
Attribute |
Custom |
Mandatory? |
Value |
List Type |
Custom |
Definition (for use in validation) |
tei:div |
@type |
no |
yes |
source provenance readings annotation |
Text area in the critical apparatus that indicates the source consulted for the provision of a block text of lyrics and instructions. Text area in the critical apparatus that indicates the different sources of these lyrics. Text area in the critical apparatus that indicates different spellings or words in other sources. Text area in the critical apparatus with editorial notes. |
tei:rdg |
@type |
no |
no |
orthographic-variant omission misspelled addition variant-reading |
closed |
X X X X X |
The word(s) in the referred source is/are an orthographic variant, e.g. būse and pūse. The word(s) is/are not represented in the referred source. The word(s) in the referred source is/are clearly a misspelling, e.g. ḥafīf. The word(s) in the referred source is/are absent in the current piece. The word(s) in the referred source is/are a variant in terms of grammar, synonymy, etc. |
tei:note |
@type |
no |
divan-variant |
closed |
X |
A variant reading to the original source that does not appear in another musical source, but in the divan of a poet, either a manuscript, printed and/or edited book. |