- Select CMO House Style: choosing an appropriate House Style according to the number of desired accidentals under Document Setup section of Quick start window (i.e. choosing CMO Inst KS2_215 if two accidentals are needed).
- Adding the desired CMO Instruments by clicking on Change Instruments button.
- Choose the desired key signature (i.e. 4b 8k for melodic line) for the melody staff and CMO Percussion staff either with bar lines or no barlines depending on the usûl divisions of the piece in Add or Remove Instruments window (Percussion bar lines should appear under the CMO Key signatures).
- Time Signature Setup: Choose the desired time signature either directly from the signatures available or clicking on Other and choosing the appropriate time value. Beam groups could be also set up if Beam and Rest Groups is clicked.
- Click No key signature from Key Signature Setup tab and choose No key.
- Click the Create button.