Requirements for the CMO specific schema customization of TEI. This document lists for each header, main body and footer templates to match each edition and its individual needs.
This is the header template for NE204. For more clarity, it is currently filled with content information from piece 49 on page 69 to exemplify the use of certain elements, attributes and values.
Please put special attention to the elements following a <!-- commentary --> that detail a reason for choosing a specific markup, ask a question, or require action. You can directly <!-- comment --> in the code by editing this page or make changes in the code. Once this version is finalised, SG will also provide a cleaned-up version as reference and for further use (e.g. if a piece needs manual input) and will use the template to adapt the transformation routine.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="uTF-16"?>
<?xml-model href="CMOtextschema.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<TEI xmlns="">
<note type="makamTranscription" xml:lang="ota">Dil-keş Ḥāverān</note>
<note type="usulTranscription" xml:lang="ota"><ref target="usulGlossary.xml#cenber">Çenber</ref></note>
<note type="bahir" xml:lang="ota" corresp="#remel2"><ref target="bahirGlossary.xml#remel">Remel</ref></note>
<note type="meter" xml:lang="ota" corresp="#feilatün #feilatün #feilatün #feilün">Fe’ilâtün / fe’ilâtün / fe’ilâtün / fe’ilün</note>
<note type="genre" xml:lang="ota"><ref target="genreGlossary.xml#beste">Beste</ref></note>
<title type="transcriptionLatin" xml:lang="ota">Beste çenber İsaḳ</title>
<idno>TR-Iüne 204-2, Piece no. 49, Ms. page no. 65</idno>
<!-- Reference to a composer/lyricist will be made to the CMO catalogue. Optional. Manual. -->
<author role="lyricist" cert="0.5" resp="#ND">
<persName ref="">Hâmî</persName>
<author role="composer" cert="1" resp="#ND">
<persName ref="">İsaḳ</persName>
<editor role="author" corresp="#ND">Dr. Neslihan Demirkol</editor>
<editor role="contributor" corresp="#MS">Dr. Malek Sharif</editor>
<edition>First Edition</edition>
<funder ref="">Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</funder>
<sponsor ref="">Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster</sponsor>
<resp key="ged">General Editor</resp>
<persName corresp="#RJ" ref="">Prof. Dr. Ralf Martin Jäger</persName>
<affiliation>Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster</affiliation>
<resp key="edi">Editors</resp>
<persName corresp="#ND" ref="">Dr. Neslihan Demirkol</persName>
<persName xml:id="MS" ref="">Dr. Malek Sharif</persName>
<publisher>Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae</publisher>
<distributor> - Die Publikationsplattform der Max Weber Stiftung</distributor>
<!-- According to the CC statement on the website. Text to be enhanced. -->
<licence target="">
Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
<!-- Maybe without NC??? -->
<title>Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae</title>
<resp key="edc">Editor of Digital Corpus</resp>
<name xml:id="CMO">
<orgName xml:lang="en">Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae, Research Center of the
German Science Foundation at the University of Münster, Institute of
<resp key="oth">Cooperation Partners</resp>
<name xml:id="MWS">
<orgName>Max Weber Stiftung</orgName>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">1028661126</idno>
<name xml:id="OII">
<orgName>Orient-Institut Istanbul</orgName>
<resp key="pdr">Project Director</resp>
<name xml:id="RJ">
<persName>Ralf Martin Jäger</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">122654099</idno>
<resp key="oth">Research Assistant</resp>
<name xml:id="ZH">
<persName>Zeynep Helvacı</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">1080200312</idno>
<resp key="edt">Research Associates</resp>
<name xml:id="NA">
<persName>Nejla Melike Atalay</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">1244416428</idno>
<name xml:id="ND">
<persName>Neslihan Demirkol</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<idno xml:base="" type="ORCID">0000-0002-8602-1704</idno>
<name xml:id="MD">
<persName>Marco Dimitriou</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<name xml:id="CM">
<persName>C. Ersin Mıhçı</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<name xml:id="SP">
<persName>Semih Pelen</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#CMO"/>
<resp key="led">Head of Section, IT, Library Affairs</resp>
<name xml:id="MK">
<persName>Michael Kaiser</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#MWS"/>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">139213147</idno>
<idno xml:base="" type="ORCID">0000-0001-9520-8119</idno>
<resp key="oth">Research Managers Digital Editions and Data Management</resp>
<name xml:id="SG">
<persName>Sven Gronemeyer</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#MWS"/>
<affiliation>La Trobe University, Melbourne</affiliation>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">1155600487</idno>
<idno xml:base="" type="ORCID">0000-0002-9066-0461</idno>
<name xml:id="JS">
<persName>Julian Schulz</persName>
<affiliation corresp="#MWS"/>
<idno xml:base="" type="GND">1161130233</idno>
<witness xml:id="cmo_source_00000030">
<idno type="CMO">NE204</idno>
<idno type="RISM"/>
<bibl>The following source description is retreived from the CMO
Source Catalogue: <ref type="uri"></ref>
<!-- These values are from the XML representation of NE204 (cmo_source_00000030). -->
type="cmo_kindOfData">Source Catalogue</term>
type="cmo_notationType">Hampartsum notation</term>
type="cmo_contentType">Mixed musical collection</term>
<language ident="ota-arab">Ottoman Turkish in Arabic script</language>
<repository>İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler
<idno>Y. 204-2</idno>
<summary>Collection of instrumental and vocal music in Ottoman
Turkish dating from late nineteenth or early twentieth
<p>Origination: <geogName>Istanbul?</geogName>
<date notBefore="1880" notAfter="1920" calendar="#gregorian">
After ca. 1880</date>
<witness xml:id="sig10">
<!-- Currently not part of the source catalogue. -->
<idno type="CMO">NE3466</idno>
<witness xml:id="cmo_source_00000075">
<idno type="CMO">HB1</idno>
<title type="main" xml:lang="ota">Mecmūʿa-yı ḳārhā ve naḳşhā ve şarḳıyyāt</title>
<!-- He is the editor of this source. -->
<persName key="cmo_person_00000137"
Hâşim Bey</persName>
<date notBefore="1852-01-01" calendar="#hijiri" notAfter="1853-12-31">1269</date>
<bibl>Source description originates from CMO Source Catalogue:
<ref type="uri"></ref>
type="cmo_kindOfData">Source Catalogue</term>
type="cmo_sourceType">Printed source</term>
type="cmo_contentType">Song-Text collection</term>
<language ident="ota-arab">Ottoman Turkish in Arabic script</language>
<witness xml:id="cmo_source_00000023">
<idno type="CMO">HB2</idno>
<title xml:lang="ota" type="main">[Hâşim Bey Mecmûası]</title>
<!-- This is not the normalized version of the name. -->
<!-- Reference to normalized name is always given by @ref. -->
<persName key="cmo_person_00000137"
ref="">Hāşim Beğ</persName>
<date notBefore="1864-03-13" notAfter="1865-03-12" calendar="#rumi">1280</date>
<bibl>Source description originates from CMO Source Catalogue:
<ref type="uri"></ref>
type="cmo_sourceType">Printed source</term>
type="cmo_kindOfData">Source Catalogue</term>
type="cmo_contentType">Song-Text collection</term>
type="cmo_contentType">Theoretical Works</term>
<language ident="ota-arab">Ottoman Turkish in Arabic script</language>
<summary>Song-text collection with a theoretical introduction (in 2nd edition only).</summary>
<witness xml:id="sig3">
<idno type="CMO">Ha</idno>
<variantEncoding method="double-end-point" location="external"/>
<appInfo xml:lang="en">
<application version="1" ident="splitted" when="2022-05-12T14:17:14.397+02:00">
<label>Splitted document created by the OsPoT transformation routine from CTE to TEI.</label>
<p>This file is the result of a TEI transformation from XML output of the <ref target="">
Classical Text Editor</ref> (CTE) created by the <ref
target="">OsPoT Framework</ref>.
The modelling is based on the <ref target="">
verse section of the TEI Guidelines</ref>.
<p>The transformation was created by <persName ref="">
Dr. Anna Plaksin</persName> and <persName>Frauke Pirk</persName> and was
enhanced by <persName corresp="#SG">Dr. Sven Gronemeyer</persName>.
<p>Further information on the transformation is available in the <ref
editorial commentary</ref>.
<p>The metadata was retrieved from the project´s own <ref
target="">source catalogue and
publication platform</ref>.
<appInfo xml:lang="de">
<application version="1" ident="splitted" when="2022-05-12T14:17:14.397+02:00">
<label>Gesplittetes Dokument, das von der OsPoT-Transformationsroutine von CTE nach TEI erstellt wurde.</label>
<p>Diese Datei ist das Ergebnis einer TEI-Transformation aus der XML-Ausgabe des <ref target="">
Classical Text Editor</ref> (CTE), erstellt vom <ref
target="">OsPoT Framework</ref>.
Die Modellierung basiert auf dem <ref target="">
Abschnitt über Verse in den TEI-Richtlinien</ref>.
<p>Die Transformation wurde von <persName ref="">
Dr. Anna Plaksin</persName> und <persName>Frauke Pirk</persName> erstellt und
erweitert durch <persName corresp="#SG">Dr. Sven Gronemeyer</persName>.
<p>Weitere Informationen zur Transformation finden Sie im <ref
editorischen Kommentar</ref>.
<p>Die Metadaten wurden abgerufen aus dem projekteigenen <ref
target="">Quellenkatalog und der Publikationsplattform</ref>.
<appInfo xml:lang="tr">
<application version="1" ident="splitted" when="2022-05-12T14:17:14.397+02:00">
<label>CTE'den TEI'ye dönüştürme rutini OsPoT tarafından oluşturulan bölünmüş belge.</label>
<p>Bu dosya, <ref target="">Classical Text Editor</ref> (CTE) programından alınan
XML çıktısının <ref target="">OsPoT Framework</ref> tarafından
uygulanan TEI dönüştürme rutini sonucunda oluşturulmuştur. Modelleme, <ref
target="">TEI Kılavuzunun nazım bölümü</ref> ne
göre biçimlendirilmiştir.
<p>TEI dönüştürme rutini, <persName ref="">
Dr. Anna Plaksin</persName> ve <persName>Frauke Pirk</persName> tarafından
hazırlanmış, <persName corresp="#SG">Dr. Sven Gronemeyer</persName> tarafından geliştirilmiştir.
<p>TEI dönüştürme rutini ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiyi <ref
editoryal yorumlar</ref> bölümünde bulabilirsiniz.
<p>Meta veriler projenin kendi <ref
kaynak kataloğu ve yayın platformundan</ref> alınmıştır.
<projectDesc xml:lang="en">
<p>Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae (CMO) is a project funded by the <ref
target="">Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</ref> (DFG,
German Science Foundation). The CMO project is carried out collaboratively
across three locations: Münster and Bonn (both in Germany) and Istanbul
(Turkey). Each center deals with a specific aspect of the project. The central
research task – the transcription and critical editing of nineteenth-century
sources of Ottoman music – is carried out at the <ref
target="">Institute for
Musicology</ref> at the <ref target="">Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität</ref> in Münster. Critical editions of the accompanying
texts of vocal pieces are prepared in collaboration with <ref
target="">Institute of Arabic
and Islamic Studies</ref>, also at the <ref
target="">Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität</ref> in
Münster. The project support and digital publication of the edition is
undertaken jointly by associates based at the <ref
target="">Max Weber Foundation</ref> in
Bonn and the <ref target="">Orient-Institut Istanbul</ref>.
<p>For further information on the project, please visit the following page: <ref
Project Description</ref>.
<p>For an overview of the staff involved, please visit the following page: <ref
<projectDesc xml:lang="de">
<p>Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae (CMO) ist ein von der <ref
target="">Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft</ref> finanziertes
Projekt. Das CMO-Projekt wird in Zusammenarbeit an drei Standorten durchgeführt:
Münster und Bonn (beide in Deutschland) und Istanbul (Türkei). Jedes Zentrum
beschäftigt sich mit einem spezifischen Aspekt des Projekts. Die zentrale
Forschungsaufgabe - die Transkription und kritische Edition von Quellen
osmanischer Musik aus dem 19. Jahrhundert - wird am <ref
target="">Institut für
Musikwissenschaft</ref> der <ref target="">Westfälischen
Wilhelms-Universität</ref> in Münster durchgeführt. Kritische Editionen
der Begleittexte von Vokalstücken werden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem <ref
target="">Institut für Arabistik
and Islamwissenschaft</ref>, ebenfalls an der <ref
target="">Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität</ref> in
Münster, erstellt. Die Projektbegleitung und digitale Publikation der Ausgabe
erfolgt gemeinsam mit Mitarbeitenden der <ref
target="">Max Weber Stiftung</ref> in
Bonn und des <ref target="">Orient-Instituts
<p>Weitere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie auf der folgenden Seite: <ref
<p>Einen Überblick über die beteiligten Mitarbeitenden finden Sie auf der folgenden Seite: <ref
<projectDesc xml:lang="tr">
<p>Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae (CMO), <ref target="">
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</ref> (DFG, Alman Araştırma Cemiyeti) tarafından
finanse edilen bir projedir. CMO projesi, üç farklı merkezde bulunan kurum ve
kuruluşlar tarafından ortaklaşa yürütülmektedir: Münster (Almanya), Bonn (Almanya)
ve İstanbul (Türkiye). Her merkez projenin belirli bir yönüyle ilgi araştırmayı
yürütmektedir. Projenin ana araştırma hedefi olan on dokuzuncu yüzyıl Osmanlı
müziği kaynaklarının transkripsiyonu ve eleştirel edisyonu, Münster'deki <ref
target="">Institute for Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität</ref>
bünyesindeki <ref target="">Müzikoloji
Enstitüsü</ref> nde yürütülmektedir. Sözlü eserlere eşlik eden metinlerin eleştirel
edisyonları, yine Münster'deki <ref target="">Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität</ref> bünyesindeki <ref target="">
Arap ve İslam Araştırmaları Enstitüsü</ref> ile işbirliği içinde hazırlanmaktadır. Bonn'da
bulunan <ref target="">Max Weber Vakfı</ref> ve
İstanbul’da bulunan <ref target="">Orient-Institute Istanbul</ref>
projeye destek sağlama ve dijital yayın görevlerini ortaklaşa üstlenmektedir.
<p>Projeyle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiyi <ref
Proje Açıklaması</ref> sayfasında bulabilirsiniz.
<p>Projede görev alan personele dair ayrıntılı bilgiyi <ref
Katkıda Bulunanlar</ref> sayfasında bulabilirsiniz.
<editorialDecl xml:lang="en">
<p>An explanation of the editorial process can be found in the <ref
target="">editorial guidelines</ref>
and the <ref target="">
<p>An explanation of the transcription process of Ottoman lyrics from Arabic into Latin characters can be found in the <ref
transcription guidelines</ref>.
<p>A summary of the standardized terms of Ottoman music can be found in the <ref
list of musical terms</ref>.
<editorialDecl xml:lang="de">
<p>Eine Erläuterung des Editionsprozesses finden Sie in den <ref
target="">editorischen Leitlinien</ref>
und dem <ref target="">
<p>Eine Erläuterung der Transkription osmanischer Texte aus der arabischen Schrift in lateinische Buchstaben findet sich in den <ref
<p>Eine Übersicht über die standardisierten Begriffe der osmanischen Musik findet sich in der <ref
Liste der musikalischen Begriffe</ref>.
<editorialDecl xml:lang="tr">
<p>Editoryal sürecin ayrıntılarına dair bilgileri <ref target="">
editoryal yönergeler</ref> ve <ref target="">
yorum</ref> sayfalarında bulabilirsiniz.
<p>Osmanlı Türkçesindeki şarkı sözlerinin Osmanlı alfabesinden modern Türkçe alfabesine transkripsiyon sürecine ilişkin açıklamaları <ref
transkripsiyon kılavuzu</ref> nda bulabilirsiniz.
<p>Osmanlı müziğinin standartlaştırılmış terimlerinin bir özetini <ref
müzik terimleri listesi</ref> nde bulabilirsiniz.
<!-- This element only needs to be applicable for the transformation of NE204 and is unnecessary for other MS editions. -->
<metDecl xml:id="symbols" pattern="((u|-|x|U|Z|I|M){1,5}[|]){1,4}">
<metSym value="u">short syllable which can be in the form of cv or v</metSym>
<metSym value="-">long syllable which can be in the form of cV, cVc, cvc, cVcc, cvcc, vc, or V</metSym>
<metSym value="x">anceps, the position in the metrical pattern can either be short or long</metSym>
<metSym value="U">merge (ulama/vasl)</metSym>
<metSym value="Z">shortening (zihâf/kısaltma)</metSym>
<metSym value="I">lengthening (imâle/uzatma)</metSym>
<metSym value="M">insertion (med)</metSym>
<metSym value="|">foot division</metSym>
<metDecl xml:id="feet" corresp="#symbols" type="met">
<metSym xml:id="fa" value="fâ’" terminal="false">-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="failatu" value="fâ’ilâtü" terminal="false">-u-u|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="failatun" value="fâ’ilâtün" terminal="false">-u--|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="failun" value="fâ’ilün" terminal="false">-u-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="falun" value="fâ’lün" terminal="false">--|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="feilatun" value="fe’ilâtün" terminal="false">uu--|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="feilun" value="fe’ilün" terminal="false">uu-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="feul" value="fe’ûl" terminal="false">u-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="feulun" value="fe’ûlün" terminal="false">u--|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mefulu" value="mef’ûlü" terminal="false">--u|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mefulun" value="mef’ûlün" terminal="false">---|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mefailu" value="mefâ’îlü" terminal="false">u--u|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mefailun1" value="mefâ’ilün" terminal="false">u-u-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mefailun2" value="mefâ’ilün" terminal="false">u---|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mufteilatun" value="müfte’ilâtün" terminal="false">-uu--|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mufteilun" value="müfte’ilün" terminal="false">-uu-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mustefilun" value="müstef’ilün" terminal="false">--u-|</metSym>
<metSym xml:id="mutefailun" value="mütefâ’ilün" terminal="false">uu-u-|</metSym>
<metDecl xml:id="vezin" corresp="#symbols" type="met">
<metSym xml:id="remel2" value="Remel 2" terminal="false">uu--|uu--|uu--|uu-|</metSym>
<!-- End of header. -->
<!-- Not part of the header, but a reminder that a facsimile could be linked at this place, also a pointer to the MEI and PDF. -->
<notatedMusic type="mei">
<ptr target="musicedition.mei"/>
<desc>MEI file of music notation</desc>
<notatedMusic type="pdf">
<ptr target="musicedition.pdf"/>
<desc>PDF file of music notation</desc>
<surface facs="scan.jpg"/>
This is the body template for NE204. For more clarity, it is currently filled with content information from piece 49 on page 69 to exemplify the use of certain elements, attributes and values.
Please put special attention to the elements following a <!-- commentary --> that detail a reason for choosing a specific markup, ask a question, or require action. You can directly <!-- comment --> in the code by editing this page or make changes in the code. Once this version is finalised, SG will also provide a cleaned-up version as reference and for further use (e.g. if a piece needs manual input) and will use the template to adapt the transformation routine.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<?xml-model href="CMOtextschema.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<TEI xmlns="">
<title>Beste çenber İsaḳ</title>
<!-- Start of text edition with critical apparatus. -->
<!-- The transformation is now streamlined to handle a Latin script only edition, but still works with biscript output, but maybe with more flaws. -->
<!-- This is the general language attribution for the entire text. -->
<!-- Is there any need to indicate Turkised loanwords or genuine Persian/Arabic words? -->
<!-- ND: No. -->
<!-- "Persian lyrics were somehow Turkified" -->
<!-- No. No need to say it -->
<!-- Individual words could thus be marked: <span xml:lang="fas">biya</span> or <span xml:lang="arb">ʿAynī</span>. -->
<div type="transcriptionLatin" xml:lang="ota" style="direction:ltr;">
<!-- ND: No need for this. -->
<!-- Use the corresponding cmo_mods_######## to link to specific the text edition. Manual. -->
<milestone unit="cite" source="#cmo_mods_00000524"/>
<head n="1">
<term type="genre">Beste </term>
<term type="usul">çenber </term>
<anchor xml:id="w2s"/>İsaḳ<anchor xml:id="w2e"/>
<!-- Does it make sense to embed the tei:l element into tei:lg to indicate a rhyme scheme? -->
<!-- ND: Yes -->
<!-- tei:lg takes the attribute @decls to refer to tei:metDecl in the header part. -->
<!-- Meter is not indicated in the original CTE document. Manual addition. -->
<!-- For tei:l, I have already created a test validation schema for @n as a showcase. -->
<!-- For tei:span, I have already created a test validation schema for @type and @ana as a showcase. -->
<lg decls="#remel2">
<l n="2" real="uU--|uu--|uu--|uu-/">
<span type="vocal" ana="mainPartLyrics">Nedir ol cünbüş-i reftār u <anchor xml:id="w15s"/>ẓarāfet<anchor xml:id="w15e"/> o gülüş </span>
<l n="3" real="uU--|uu-I|uu--|uu-/">
<span type="vocal" ana="mainPartLyrics">Nedir ol <anchor xml:id="w20s"/>ceẕbe-i<anchor xml:id="w20e"/> ḥüsn ile ṭarāvet o <anchor xml:id="w25s"/>revīş<anchor xml:id="w25e"/></span>
<l n="4">
<span type="vocal" ana="mainPartLyrics">Elde <anchor xml:id="w27s"/>Saḳsonya<anchor xml:id="w27e"/> <anchor xml:id="w28s"/>ṣürāḥ[ī]yle<anchor xml:id="w28e"/> ṣafā baḫş ėderek</span>
<!-- Example for manual QA: The tei:span must of course directly follow the tei:l. -->
<!-- Can possibly be guided by validation rule. -->
<l n="5" real="uZ--|Uu--|uu--|uu-/">
<anchor xml:id="w32s"/> Ḥām[ī]'niñ <anchor xml:id="w32e"/>
<span type="vocal" ana="mainPartLyrics">
<anchor xml:id="w33s"/>ʿaḳlıñ<anchor xml:id="w33e"/>
<anchor xml:id="w34s"/>alır<anchor xml:id="w34e"/>
<anchor xml:id="w35s"/>böyle<anchor xml:id="w35e"/> levendāne <anchor xml:id="w37s"/>geliş<anchor xml:id="w37e"/>
<!-- Problem: The text has no specific format (like bold and italic) for the transformation to test against. -->
<!-- ND: Shall I create a specific format in CTE for the transformation? If it prevents the manual edition it would save us many time -->
<!-- Because of error prone workarounds, the decision is to enter the <span ana="terennüm"> manually. -->
<!-- ND: Is it error prone because the text has no specific format?
<l n="6"><span type="vocal" ana="terennüm">ʿömrüm amān amān yār ẓarāfet o gülüş</span></l>
<!-- Added stage attribute @type, values to be defined. -->
<l n="7">[
<stage type="temme">
<span type="instruction" ana="terennüm">tem</span>
<span type="instruction" ana="terennüm">me</span>
<!-- As this example originally showed, the transformation cannot handle all CTE output. -->
<!-- Problem 1: the tei:span has not been put into tei:l in this case (other transformations have done so). -->
<!-- Problem 2: the closing square bracket is inside tei:anchor. -->
<!-- This is quality assurance and needs to be done in the text view of oXygen. -->
<!-- Considering all eventualities in XSL would take more time than manual corrections. -->
<!-- These QA processes can be guided by a proper validation scheme (e.g. span outside l not allowed). -->
<l n="8">
<span type="information" ana="lyricist">[Lyricist: <anchor xml:id="w47s"/>Hâmî<anchor xml:id="w47e"/>]</span>
<!-- The apparatus is still in great parts a manual correction of the transformation output. -->
<!-- In an ideal world, this is the desired state to be. -->
<!-- Now with only the Latin transcription left, we need to consider the values for tei:div[@type='provenance, readings, annotations']. -->
<div type="provenance">
<!-- Think of types for tei:lem and tei:rdg and possible values. -->
<!-- E.g. for tei:lem[@type='phrase, noun, name, onomatopoetic']. -->
<!-- E.g. for tei:rdg[@type='ommission, orthographic-variant, misspelled, addition']. -->
<!-- ND: These are the only cases I was able to detect. But of course a new manuscript means a new challage. I cannot be 100% sure. :) -->
<app from="#w2s" to="#w2e">
<!-- The "…" sign should be replaced by "...". Maybe with transformation routine? -->
<lem>Beste … İsaḳ </lem>
<!-- ND: I can produce an XML export without "..." in CTE. I can choose the option of show full reference then we could get rid of ...-->
<!-- OK, that would be great. -->
<note>The lyrics appear in <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref>, fol. 252v; <ref
target="#cmo_source_00000075">HB1</ref>, page 406; <ref
target="#cmo_source_00000023">HB2</ref>, page 408 and <ref
target="#sig3">Ha</ref>, page 621.</note>
<div type="readings">
<app from="#w15s" to="#w15e">
<!-- Two different types of dealing with tei:rdg and @wits apply! -->
<!-- This is the way with different text for two or more witnesses. Needs to be separated. -->
<rdg wit="#sig10">reftār-ı ẓarāfet <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref></rdg>
<rdg wit="#sig3">reftār o nezāket <ref target="#sig3">Ha</ref></rdg>
<app from="#w20s" to="#w20e">
<!-- This is the second way, different sources, but all with the same spelling. Can be combined. -->
<rdg wit="#sig10 #cmo_source_00000075 #cmo_source_00000023">
cezbe-i <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref>, <ref
target="#cmo_source_00000075">HB1</ref>, <ref
<app from="#w25s" to="#w25e">
<!-- Here, e.g. manually corrected, Ha was not put in ref, no #sig3 applied, rdg not tokenized. -->
<rdg wit="#sig3">reviş <ref target="#sig3">Ha</ref></rdg>
<rdg wit="#sig10">rīş <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref></rdg>
<app from="#w27s" to="#w27e">
<rdg wit="#sig3">Saḳṣonya <ref target="#sig3">Ha</ref></rdg>
<app from="#w28s" to="#w28e">
<rdg wit="#cmo_source_00000030">sürāhiyle <ref target="#cmo_source_00000030">NE204</ref></rdg>
<rdg wit="#sig10">sürāhiyle <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref></rdg>
<app from="#w32s" to="#w32e">
<rdg wit="#">Ḥāmi'niñ <ref target="#cmo_source_00000030">NE204"></ref></rdg>
<app from="#w33s" to="#w33e">
<rdg wit="#sig10 #sig3">ʿaḳlın <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref>, <ref
<app from="#w34s" to="#w34e">
<rdg wit="#sig10">alur <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref></rdg>
<app from="#w35s" to="#w35e">
<rdg wit="#sig10">bu <ref target="#sig10">NE3466</ref></rdg>
<app from="#w37s" to="#w37e">
<rdg wit="#sig3">cekiş <ref target="#sig3">Ha</ref></rdg>
<div type="annotations">
<app from="#w47s" to="#w47e">
<lem>Lyricist Hâmî</lem>
<note>The lyrics are by a poet with the pen name (mahlas) Hâmî, indicated in the
last line of the lyrics. It is possible that the poet is in fact Hâmî Ahmed
Âmidî (d. 1747), though the editors could not locate the lyrics in his
<term ref="poeticGlossary.xml#divan">dîvân</term>; see Hâmî Âmidî 1885 and Yılmaz 2017. Öztuna (2006, vol. 1, 426) and
Aksüt (1983, vol 1, 148) attribute the lyrics to Mehmed Kâmî Efendi (d.
1724). However, the editors could not locate the poem in his dîvân either;
see Erişen Yazıcı 2017 and Özyılmaz 1994.</note>
<!-- In "poeticGlossary.xml", we could then have an <entry@xml:id="divan">Collected works of a poet</entry>. -->
<!-- End of text edition and critical apparatus. -->